Places where you can purchase high-quality, high-resolution photos of LMLK artifacts:
Bible Land Pictures Dotcom
Zev Radovan has several pictures of LMLK seals available by CD-ROM or E-mail. Contact him via his website for details at www.BibleLandPictures.com
Here are some low-resolution samples of his ID numbers 2366, 3882, 448-1, 448-2, & 773-2:
Bible Lands Museum, Jerusalem
Photos, slides, & transparencies of 4 LMLK handles are available (BLMJ ID numbers 830, 831, 832, & 835). The seal types are undisclosed but represent all LMLK inscriptions except SWKH, both types of icon wings, & one has concentric circles. Contact the curator of the Bible Lands Museum in Jerusalem for details.
Brooklyn Museum of Art
Seven 8"x10" black & white photos are available of handles with G2T (2 examples), H4C, M2D, M2U, S4L, & Z2D seal types. Contact the curator of the Brooklyn Museum of Art in New York for details.
Israel Antiquities Authority
146 5"x7" black & white photos are available representing most of the LMLK seal types excavated from a variety of sites. Contact the Photographic Archives department of the Israel Antiquities Authority for details.
Jewish Museum, New York
Twelve 4"x6" color photos are available of handles with H2U, H4C, H4L, S2U, & S4L seal types excavated from Lachish. Contact the Visual Resources/Rights & Reproductions Office of the Jewish Museum for details.
Palestine Exploration Fund
Twenty-one 5"x7.5" color photos are available including the first 6 LMLK handles ever excavated! Contact the curator of the Palestine Exploration Fund in London for details. Here's a sample:
University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology
Ninety-two 8"x10" black & white photos are available of handle impressions excavated from el-Jib (probably Biblical Gibeon). Contact the Archivist at the University of Pennsylvania Museum in Philadelphia for details.
PLEASE NOTE: Each place/person listed above is responsible for their own business transactions & they all operate independently from LMLK Dotcom. If you or your organization has photos of LMLK artifacts & would like to be listed here free of charge, send an E-mail to the address shown in the top-left menu of the Research website.
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***Planned Project***
A series of CD-ROMs featuring extremely high-resolution photos of the entire Redondo Beach collection of LMLK jar handles with INTERACTIVE SPOTLIGHT control!
This page was created on July 24, 2003, & last updated on June 4, 2009;