Places where you can purchase books related to LMLK artifacts:
Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv University Archaeology Publications include the following monographs with important LMLK data:
- Beer-Sheba I
- Lachish V
- The Conquest of Lachish
- The Renewed Archaeological Excavations at Lachish (1973-1994)--5 volumes
Visit their website for pricing & availability of these publications as well as backissues of the Tel Aviv journal.
Israel Exploration Society
For several decades, the The Israel Exploration Society has published books & journals with significant LMLK content:
- Arad Inscriptions
- Eretz-Israel vols. 15, 17, 18, & 23
- Excavations & Surveys in Israel 1988/89 vol. 7-8--Tel Yizre'el 1987/1988
- Gezer II--Report of the 1967-70 Seasons in Fields I & II vol. 2
- Investigations at Lachish--The Sanctuary & the Residency (Lachish V)
- Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem--Conducted by Nahman Avigad, 1969-1982: Vol. 1
- New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land vol. 1, 2, 3, & 4
- Qadmoniot vol. 9 #2-3 (34-35)--"Lamelekh" Store-Jars & the Excavation at Lachish
- Qadmoniot vol. 15 #2-3 (58-59)--Lachish in the Days of the Kingdom of Judah--The Recent Archaeological Excavations
- Qedem vol. 29--Excavations in the South of the Temple Mount: The Ophel of Biblical Jerusalem
- Qedem vol. 37--Timnah (Tel Batash) Final Reports I: Stratigraphy & Architecture
- Qedem vol. 41--Excavations at the City of David 1978-1985 Directed by Yigal Shiloh vol. 6: Inscriptions
- Qedem vol. 42--Timnah (Tel Batash) II: The Finds from the First Millennium BCE
Visit their website for pricing & availability of these publications as well as backissues of The Israel Exploration Journal.
The Book & the Spade
Audio CD-ROMs of radio interviews conducted by Gordon Govier with famous LMLK researchers are available from Scribe Media:
Andy Vaughn |
Gabriel Barkay |
Anson Rainey |
Lawrence Stager |
Avraham Biran |
Oded Borowski |
David Ussishkin |
Randall Younker |
Eilat Mazar |
Yigael Shiloh |
Note: Only the Andy Vaughn interview contains a discussion of LMLK jars, but it's fascinating to hear the other scholars who have excavated LMLK handles & written important reference material about them.
Associates for Biblical Research
The final report for excavations at Khirbet Nisya directed by David Livingston is available from The Associates for Biblical Research in either hardcover or CD-ROM format:
Archaeological Center
Epigraphy lecturer & archaeologist Robert Deutsch has written (in some cases co-written) & published these books with exclusive LMLK material:
Biblical Period Hebrew Bullae--The Josef Chaim Kaufman Collection |
Forty New Ancient West Semitic Inscriptions |
Messages from the Past |
Shlomo: Studies in the Epigraphy, Iconography, History & Archaeology in Honor of Shlomo Moussaieff |
Windows to the Past |
Visit www.archaeological-center.com for pricing & availability of his books.
Amazon Dotcom
Convenient links to music CDs recommended in the book "LMLK--A Mystery Belonging to the King vol. 1" available for purchase at Amazon Dotcom:
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PLEASE NOTE: Each organization listed above is responsible for their own business transactions & they all operate independently from LMLK Dotcom. Visit the Publications page of the LMLK Research website for brief descriptions of the LMLK content in these books.
This page was created on July 26, 2003, & last updated on August 12, 2005;