Analysis of the LMLK H2D Icon |
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The unusually deep-stamped handle #62 from the Redondo Beach collection, shows 3-dimensional aspects of the H2D seal design (see also the deepest M2D & S2U specimens): The light source for the photo above creates a shadow to the right of the icon's body, thereby highlighting some of the wing borders & Bet letter; whereas the photo below moves the shadow to the left, giving a better view of the icon's tail-trenches. This scale indicates that the Head/Tail platform is ~0.05" thick (~1.25mm). Although the central globe on this specimen is eroded, it is clearly about the same depth, making the overall depth of the seal ~0.1" (~2.5mm): Compare the photo above with this schematic drawing published in "LMLK--A Mystery Belonging to the King vol. 1" (by G.M. Grena, 2004, Redondo Beach: 4000 Years of Writing History, Fig. 3, p. 21; note that CCO = "central circular object", a more objective name than disc or disk, which implies a flat object commonly associated with sun worship): |
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This page was created on January 1, 2008, & last updated on January 1, 2008 |