Biblical Accounts
NonBiblical Accounts
x (cannot classify)
Personal Seals
The bulk of this corpus is taken from the 1999 edition of "Theology, History, and Archaeology in the Chronicler's Account of Hezekiah" by Andrew G. Vaughn, in which he draws upon an uncirculated Hebrew dissertation by, & personal collaboration with, Dr. Gabriel Barkay.
Note--Some publications didn't specify whether the handles from restored jars were included in some of these totals; & since the people who did the stamping were inconsistent in their patterns, a quantity of 4 handles may represent anywhere from 1 to 4 jars. For more information on jar restoration, visit the Handle Matching page.
Note--Some of the more important sites have hyperlinks over their names, which you can click for detailed information (maps, seal-type summaries, & photos).
- 725 mostly unknown provenance
- 202 Michael Welch
- 148 L. Alexander Wolfe
- 94 presently unknown location
- 68 private collection in Redondo Beach
Note--This alters the Vaughn/Barkay corpus by subtracting 9 from Robert Deutsch, 1 from The Barakat Gallery, 1 from Arnold Spaer, & adding 40 previously unpublished.
- 50 Shlomo Moussaieff (only an estimate)
- 20 Zuzim Judaea (only an estimate)
- 18 Hecht Museum, Haifa
Note--The sub-quantities are from an eyewitness account of unprovenanced handles displayed on 11-14-2003.
- 3 HBRN
- 3 MMST
- 1 SUKE
- 2 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 9 cannot classify by inscription
- 14 2-winged
- 04 4-winged
- 17 William Stern & Steve Adler
- 12 Steve Adler
- 12 Dan Gross
- 10 Museum of Archaeology & Biblical History, Albuquerque
- 9 Eretz Israel Museum
- 9 Archaeological Museum of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum (a.k.a., The Flagellation Museum), Jerusalem
- 8 Harvey Herbert (7 formerly at the Brooklyn Museum of Art; all presently at the Living Torah Museum including the only known unbroken jar
- 8 Herbert B. Stearns
- 7 Arnold Spaer
- 7 Bible Lands Museum, Jerusalem
- 1 HBRN
- 1 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 1 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 0 cannot classify by inscription
- 1 2-winged
- 1 4-winged
- 6 private collection in Boston
- 6 D. Friedenberg
- 5 Bible+Orient Museum at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland
- 5 Stephen C. Meyers
- 4 Jared James Clark
- 4 private collection in Israel
- 2 William Ellwanger
- 2 FPC Jackson, Mississippi
- 2 Horn Archaeological Museum, Michigan
- 2 private collection in Korea
- 2 Peter van der Veen
- 1 James H. Charlesworth
- 1 Jean-Paul Danon
- 1 Ken Baumheckel
- 1 Richard Wiskin
- 1 West Semitic Research Project of the University of Southern California
- 1 Yeshiva University Museum, gift of Tzila and Bernard Weiss
- 0 Kris Udd (2 formerly owned were transferred to Michael Welch)
- 415 Lachish (Tell ed-Duweir)
- 294 Jerusalem (see separate listing of Jerusalem sites)
- 224 Ramat Rahel (Ramat Rachel; Khirbet es-Sallah; Netopha or Beth-Haccerem?)
- 92 Gibeon (el-Jib)
- 88 Tell en-Nasbeh
- 71 Beth Shemesh (Ain Shems or Tell er-Rumeileh)
- 39 Moresheth-Gath (Tell ej-Judeideh or Tel Goded)
Note--The sub-quantities are from "Excavations in Palestine" by Bliss & Macalister plus 2 others reported by Vaughn; the specific types are based on Macalister's drawings.
- H2U (at least 1)
- M2U (at least 2)
- S2U (at least 2)
- Z2U (at least 1)
- Z4CI (at least 2)
- 05 HBRN
- 06 MMST
- 07 SUKE
- 04 ZYF
- 00 Generic
- 17 cannot classify by inscription
- 27 2-winged
- 12 4-winged
- 37 Gezer
- 24 Burj (Khirbet el-Burj in the northen end of Ramot Alon)
- 00 HBRN
- 01 MMST
- 00 SUKE
- 00 ZYF
- 00 Generic
- 23 cannot classify by inscription
- 24 2-winged
- 00 4-winged
- 24 Sokoh (N) (Tel Sochoh, Tel Socoh, Tel Sokoh, Horevot Sokho, Horvat Sokha, Khirbet Shuweikeh, Khirbet es-Shuweikeh, or Khirbet 'Abbad; 2 adjacent but distinct excavation sites)
- H2D, 10:00, SGx, x
Note--The sub-quantities are based on a photo in DigSight Issue 15, Fall 2010; also 10 found in a 2011 survey (beyond the 13 reported by Vaughn/Barkay) reported on the Tel Sochoh Excavation website.
- 1 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 23 cannot classify by inscription
- 1 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 19 Mareshah (Marissa or Tell Sandahannah)
Note--The sub-quantities are from "Excavations in Palestine" by Bliss & Macalister & only represent 17 of the 19 excavated to date.
- 3 HBRN
- 3 MMST
- 6 SUKE
- 2 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 3 cannot classify by inscription
- 11 2-winged
- 06 4-winged
- 18 Azekah (Tell Zakariya)
Note--The sub-quantities are from "Excavations in Palestine" by Bliss & Macalister plus one S4L from the 2012 renewed excavations; the specific types are mostly based on Macalister's drawings. Bernhard Lang's report in RB vol. 79 #3 of a Z2U from Azekah was erroneous.
- H4C (at least 1)
- H4L (at least 1)
- M4L (at least 1)
- S4L (at least 5)
- 4 HBRN
- 1 MMST
- 6 SUKE
- 3 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 4 cannot classify by inscription
- 04 2-winged
- 14 4-winged
- 15 Timnah (Tel Batash)
- 14 Gibeah (Tell el-Ful)
- 13 Erani (Tel 'Erani, Tel Gat, Tel Gath, Tell Sheykh 'Ahmed el-Areyny, or Tell Esh Sheikh Ahmed el-'Areini, Tell 'Araq el-Mensiyeh, 'Arak el-Mensiyeh)
Note--The sub-quantities are from "First Preliminary Report on the Excavations at Tel Gat Seasons 1956-1958" by Shemuel Yeivin, RB vol. 79 #3 by Bernhard Lang, plus references pertaining to Jar 60-501.
- 3 HBRN
- 1 MMST
- 2 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 7 cannot classify by inscription
- 3 2-winged
- 3 4-winged
- 13 Hebron (a spur of Jebel Rumeida or Tell er-Rumeideh)
- 11 Beth Zur (Khirbet et-Tubeiqa)
- 9 Arad
- 8 Nahal Tut (Nachal Toot; between Jokne'am or Jokneam or Yokne’am or Yoqneam, & Bat-Shlomo or Bat Shelomo)
Note--The sub-quantities are from a report on an IAA web page about the excavations (Trig Point N-568) conducted February-July 2005 by Amir Gorzalczany (Amir Gorzelzani).
- 1 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 1 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 6 cannot classify by inscription
- 8 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 7 Gath (Tell es-Safi or Tel Zafit)
Note--The sub-quantities are from "Excavations in Palestine" by Bliss & Macalister plus one S4L from Maeir's renewed excavations.
- 0 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 3 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 4 cannot classify by inscription
- 0 2-winged
- 7 4-winged
- 5 Mevaseret Zion (Mavasseret Zion or Mevasseret Yerushalayim)
- 1 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 0 cannot classify by inscription
- 0 2-winged
- 1 4-winged
- 4 Beit Mirsim (Tell Beit Mirsim; Debir or Kirjath Sepher?)
- 4 Nebi Samwil
- 3 Aroer
Note--The sub-quantities are from IEJ vol. 34.
- 0 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 1 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 0 cannot classify by inscription
- 2 2-winged
- 1 4-winged
- 3 Ekron (Tel Miqne or Khirbet el-Muqanna')
Note--The sub-quantities are from IEJ vol. 36, p. 106 (not listed in Bibliography since it was only 1 sentence) & an H4L photo by Zev Radovan.
- 1 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 2 cannot classify by inscription
- 0 2-winged
- 1 4-winged
- 3 Ketef Hinnom
Note--The sub-quantities & listing are from a lecture given by Gabriel Barkay on June 3, 1992 for the California Museum of Ancient Art (ISF#26).
- 0 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 1 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 2 cannot classify by inscription
- 1 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 3 Marah (Hirbet Marah el-Jumma)
- 3 Ras (Khirbet er-Ras or Givat Malha)
Note--The sub-quantities are from BAR vol. 8 #4 (Jul/Aug 1982, p. 50).
- 0 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 2 cannot classify by inscription
- 2 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 2 Anathoth (Anatot or Anata)
- 2 Beersheba (Be'er Sheva, Tel Beer-sheba, or Tell es-Seba')
- H2x, x:00, xxx, x (details forthcoming)
Note: Vaughn's reference to a second handle is a typo to VT29 f/n 37, which only references the pithos handle published by Aharoni; an H2x is on display at the Skirball Center with a tag stating, "Be'er Sheva 1200-586 on loan from the IAA", who in turn list it in their inventory as being from "Be'er Sheb'a old beduin market".
- 1 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 1 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 0 cannot classify by inscription
- 1 2-winged
- 1 4-winged
- 2 Jericho (Tell es-Sultan)
Note--The sub-quantities are based on published photos.
- 0 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 1 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 1 cannot classify by inscription
- 2 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 2 Jezreel (Tel Yizre'el)
Note--The sub-quantities are from the M2D photo presented in "Excavations & Surveys in Irael 1988/89 vol. 7-8" by O. Yogev & only represents 1 of the 2 excavated to date.
- 0 HBRN
- 1 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 0 cannot classify by inscription
- 1 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 2 Keilah (Khirbet Qeila)
Note--The sub-quantities are from "Mambre" by Evaristus Mader.
- 2 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 0 cannot classify by inscription
- 0 2-winged
- 2 4-winged
- 2 Qumran
Note--Vaughn/Barkay's listing referenced VT vol. 29 #1 by Na'aman, which referenced the first handle found at Samrah, but named it Qumran; the 1st real LMLK handle found at Qumran was by R. de Vaux ("Archaeology and the Dead Sea Scrolls", 1973; G2T photo appears in "Khirbet Qumran et Ain Feshkha II", 2003 by Humbert, Gunneweg, & Lemaire); the 2nd (an H2D) was by Yitzhak Magen & Yuval Peleg ("The Qumran Excavations 1993-2004 Preliminary Report", 2007); James Strange excavated a Type 484 handle with a Plus mark, but no LMLK impression.
- 1 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 1 Generic
- 0 cannot classify by inscription
- 2 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 2 Rimmon (Tel Halif, Tell el-Khuweilifeh, or Lahav)
Note--The sub-quantities are from BASOR 15 by William F. Albright (an "Hxx" possibly misinterpreted by Welten in "Die Konigs-Stempel" as an H4x) & an H4L at the IAA excavated in 1983 (mistakenly listed in their database as an S4x).
- 2 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 0 cannot classify by inscription
- 0 2-winged
- 1 4-winged
- 2 Samrah (Khirbet es-Samrah)
Note--The sub-quantities are from the H2D photo presented in "Ancient Agriculture in the Judaean Desert" by Lawrence E. Stager; the x2x photo presented in BASOR 142 was described by Cross & Milik as an M2x, but the traces of Mems are probably illusory.
- 1 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 1 cannot classify by inscription
- 2 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 2 Tumulus #4 (Kiriat Menahem or Kiryat Menah'em)
Note--The sub-quantities are from BAR vol. 29 #3 by Gabriel Barkay; Vaughn originally reported 3 based on Barkay's unpublished 1985 thesis, but this issue of BAR provides a more recent listing along with photos of both handles.
- 0 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 1 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 1 cannot classify by inscription
- 1 2-winged
- 1 4-winged
- 2 Umm Tuba (Metofa; Netofa/Netopha?)
Note--The sub-quantities are based on photos from a February 2009 report on an IAA web page about excavations by Zubair Adawi.
- 0 HBRN
- 1 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 1 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 0 cannot classify by inscription
- 2 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 2 Yael ('Ein Ya'el, Ein Yalu, or Nahal Yo'el)
Note--The sub-quantities are from Hadashot Arkheologiyot vol. 119 by Yuval Baruch, which adds to the other ambiguous handle previously reported by Vaughn, which had been published in Qadmoniot vol. 26 by G. Edelstein. Baruch suggests reading the inscription as HBRN, but the drawing he provided resembles ZF.
- 0 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 1 cannot classify by inscription
- 1 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 2 YD62 (Yehudah Dagan's survey site #62; unnamed farming site; 15105 12350, grid point 15-12/13/12)
- 0 HBRN
- 1 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 1 cannot classify by inscription
- 2 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 2 Zayit (Tel Zayit or Zeitah; note--this is a preliminary listing based on the statement that "several" were found in the ongoing excavations under the direction of Ron Tappy, per BASOR 344, Nov. 2006, p. 9)
- 1 Abhar (Khirbet el-'Abhar)
- 1 Adullam
- 1 Arnona
Note--The sub-quantities are based on a handle photo from Hadashot Arkheologiyot vol. 120 by Annette Nagar.
- 0 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 1 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 0 cannot classify by inscription
- 0 2-winged
- 1 4-winged
- 1 Ashdod
Note--The sub-quantities are from the photo shown on the Type G2T page as presented in "'Atiqot vol. 9-10" by M. Dothan.
- 0 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 1 Generic
- 0 cannot classify by inscription
- 1 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 1 Beit Safafa
- 0 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 0 cannot classify by inscription
- 1 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 1 Beitin (Bethel?)
Note--The sub-quantities are from the photo shown on the Type x4L page as presented in IEJ vol 39, which reports it as a Hebron impression; the lines that are assumed to be part of the letters "HB" are way out of place to be from an H4L, & the impression is clearly not an H4C; however, all characteristics of it match the M4L seal--it's just too eroded to positively classify.
- 0 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 1 cannot classify by inscription
- 0 2-winged
- 1 4-winged
- 1 Betar (Beitar, Bethar, or Khirbet el-Yahud)
Note--The sub-quantities are from TA vol. 20 #1 by David Ussishkin.
- 0 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 1 cannot classify by inscription
- 1 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 1 Beth Horon Lower
Note--The sub-quantities are from BA vol. 38 #2 by Ephraim Stern.
- 0 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 0 cannot classify by inscription
- 1 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 1 Bethlehem
Note--The sub-quantities are from "Die Konigs-Stempel" by Peter Welten.
- 0 HBRN
- 1 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 0 cannot classify by inscription
- 1 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 1 Chephirah (Hirbet Kefire, or Kefireh, or Khirbet el-Kefirah)
Note--The sub-quantities are from the photo shown in Tafel 15 of ZDPV band 91, heft 1, 1975 (pp. 143 & 146; f/n 22); also mentioned in RB vol. 84 #3, p. 415; although 2 Type-484 handles were found, Meindert Dijkstra has recently analyzed them & found that only 1 has a seal impression.
- 0 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 1 cannot classify by inscription
- 1 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 1 Dorban (Horvat Dorban, or Horvat Dorvan, or Khirbet esh-Sheikh Ibrahim)
Note--The sub-quantities are from "Die Konigs-Stempel" by Peter Welten.
- 0 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 1 cannot classify by inscription
- 0 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 1 En Gedi (Tel Goren)
Note--The sub-quantities are from IEJ vol. 17 by B. Mazar & I. Dunayevsky.
- 0 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 1 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 0 cannot classify by inscription
- 1 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 1 Estaol
- 1 Eton (Tel 'Eton, Aitun, Eitun, or Tell Eiton; Eglon?)
- 1 Gedor (Hirbet Jedur)
- 1 Haphurit (Givat Haphurit South; [104]15-12/40/1)
- 1 Ira (Tel 'Ira, Horvat el-Garra, or Khirbat al-Gharra)
Note--The sub-quantities are from the photo shown on the Type x4L page as presented in IEJ vol 8 #1, Pl. 16D.
- 0 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 1 cannot classify by inscription
- 0 2-winged
- 1 4-winged
- 1 Jannaba (Khirbet Jannaba et Tahta or el Gharbiya; Dagan survey #101 site 14495 12145, grid point 14-12/41/1)
- 0 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 0 cannot classify by inscription
- 1 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 1 Jaresh (Hirbet Jaresh)
- 1 Karmel (el-Khalil)
Note--This handle is kept at the Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem; Bernhard Lang's report in RB vol. 79 #3 of a Z2U from Azekah was erroneous
- 0 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 1 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 0 cannot classify by inscription
- 1 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 1 Kikkar Safra (Kikar Safra near the Russian Compound; Aren M. Maier & Dan Bahat excavations)
Note--The sub-quantities are based on a photo published in "'Atiqot vol. 47" by the excavators.
- 0 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 1 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 0 cannot classify by inscription
- 1 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 1 Manahat (Malha)
Note--Reported in IEJ v14 & subsequently "Die Konigs-Stempel" by Peter Welten, skipped by Vaughn.
- 1 Maon (Khirbet Ma'in)
- 1 Masud (Khirbat el-Masud or el-Mas'ud)
Note--The sub-quantities are from Hadashot Arkheologiyot vol. 119 by Alla Nagorsky.
- 0 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 1 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 0 cannot classify by inscription
- 1 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 1 Nahalal (General Moshe Dayan's family farm)
- 1 Nes Harim (west of Jerusalem)
- 1 Nisya (Khirbet Nisya, Nisieh; Ai?)
- x2x, 10:00, xxx, x
Note--The sub-quantities are from "Khirbet Nisya: The Search for Biblical Ai, 1979-2002" by David Livingston.
- 0 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 1 cannot classify by inscription
- 1 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 1 Qeiyafa (Khirbet Qeiyafa)
Note--The sub-quantities are from Tel Aviv vol. 36, #1, June 2009, p. 74, Table 1.
- 0 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 1 cannot classify by inscription
- 1 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 1 Qom (Khirbet el-Qom; Makkedah?)
- 1 Rabud (Khirbet Rabud; Debir?)
Note--The sub-quantities are from observation of the photo in TA vol. 1 #1 by Moshe Kochavi.
- 0 HBRN
- 1 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 0 cannot classify by inscription
- 0 2-winged
- 1 4-winged
- 1 Sharta (Tel Sharti, Khirbet Sharta, or H. Sirta in the city Kiryat/Qiryat Atta, formerly named Kefar/Kfar Ata)
Note--The sub-quantities are based on an unpublished photo of a handle at the IAA.
- 0 HBRN
- 1 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 0 cannot classify by inscription
- 1 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 1 Shilhah (Horvat Shilha, Hurvat Shilhah, or Khirbet Shilheh)
Note--The sub-quantities are from a photograph in "Eretz-Israel vol. 17" shown on this website.
- 0 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 0 SUKE
- 1 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 0 cannot classify by inscription
- 1 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 1 Shokef (Tell ash-Shuqf or 'En Shoqef)
Note--The sub-quantities are from VT vol. 29 #1 by N. Na'aman.
- 0 HBRN
- 0 MMST
- 1 SUKE
- 0 ZYF
- 0 Generic
- 0 cannot classify by inscription
- 1 2-winged
- 0 4-winged
- 1 YD66 (Yehudah Dagan's survey site #66; unnamed farming site; 13415 12260, grid point 13-12/42/3)
- 1 YD187 (Yehudah Dagan's survey site #187; unnamed, unfortified building site)
- 1 YD199 (Yehudah Dagan's survey site #199; unnamed farming site; 14442 10393, grid point 14-10/43/7)
- 1 Zawiyeh (Hirbet Zawiyeh; [307]16-11/52/1)
2,251 Total (1,526 via documented excavations)

Summary of the available sub-quantities (via documented excavations in parentheses):
- 588 (445) HBRN
- 182 (104) MMST
- 179 (135) SUKE
- 215 (147) ZYF
- 062 (030) Generic
- 499 (406) cannot classify by inscription
- 1,005 (701) Two-Winged
- 618 (509) Four-Winged
1,725 (1,267) by inscriptions; 1,623 (1,210) by icons (discrepancy due to lack of detail in the report)

Summary of the 1,027 handle impressions listed on this website broken down into various categories for known data:
Inscription Words (based on photos)
356 HBRN
156 MMST
130 SUKE
176 ZYF
061 Generic
150 x (cannot classify by inscription word)
Inscription Styles (i.e., Seal Sets)
085 Two-Winged Top-Registers (x2T)
349 Two-Winged Divided (x2D)
178 Two-Winged Undivided (x2U)
120 Two-Winged (cannot classify by inscription style; x2x)
093 Four-Winged Cursory (x4C)
201 Four-Winged Lapidarist (x4L)
003 cannot classify by inscription or icon (xxx)
Seal Orientations
033 1:00
005 2:00
170 3:00
101 4:00
026 5:00
103 6:00
025 7:00
008 8:00
183 9:00
104 10:00
025 11:00
100 12:00
147 unknown
Pottery Ware Types
003 ACC
001 ACx
001 AGA
059 AGC
077 AGG
020 AGx
010 Axx
008 PPP
013 SCC
001 SCG
004 SGA
126 SGC
182 SGG
087 SGx
041 Sxx
001 WPP
395 unknown
Incision Types
746 zero incisions
003 one Circle
083 two Circles
001 two pairs of Circles
001 Circle(s) (at least one; maybe two)
003 Plus ("+") marks
002 some other type of incision
190 unknown

If a chronological division exists between the sets, here are the relative quantities of the inscription words based on published photos, classified on this website:
61 G2T (late)
0 (no types considered early)
135 H2D & H2T (late)
221 H2U, H4L, & H4C (early)
102 M2D & M2T (late)
54 M2U, M4L, & M4C (early)
42 S2DR & S2DW (late)
88 S2U & S4L (early)
94 Z2D & Z2T (late)
82 Z2U, Z4L, Z4CI, & Z4CY (early)

"...the branch cannot bear fruit of itself..."--John 15:4