Biblical Accounts
NonBiblical Accounts
x (cannot classify)
Personal Seals
The impression photos below cannot be classified with certainty beyond the basic seal design due to:
- a weak impression
- an offset impression
- an abraded/eroded impression
- a broken/fragmented handle
Click here for photos of some other 2-winged impressions that can be sub-classified to the x2xR & x2U designs.
- x2x, 1:00, SGx, x from a private collection in Redondo Beach (ID#61; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably an H2D; possibly an S2DR
- x2x, 3:00, AGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#13; click for detailed photos):
Note: Either an H2D or Z2D
- x2x, 3:00, AGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh Room 224, X5; click for detailed photos):
- x2x, 3:00, AGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh Room 514, I, X42; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably an H2D
- x2x, 3:00, AGG, 2 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh AB16x, I, X67; click for detailed photos):
Note: This impression from Nasbeh may indicate a unique seal type since it appears to have the first letter of SUKE both above & below the wing on the right side. A similar one excavated from Lachish was described (but not photographed) by David Diringer in PEQ 7-1941 published by The Palestine Exploration Fund, "... a very interesting stamp (K.14/J.14, Pal.A.G.) which also belongs to the third sub-division. Owing to the shape of the handle, the stamp has been badly impressed, particularly in the lower part, in such a way that there is lack of space for the place-name. It seems that the maker desired to solve this problem by an artifice, & tried to impress the place-name over the figure; if this suggestion is right, the traces which we see in the figure would be the remains of a shin & of the head of a waw ..."
- x2x, 3:00, AGx, x at the McCormick Theological Seminary (Beth Zur Excavation #287, MTS #59; click for detailed photos):
- x2x, 3:00, SGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#169; click for detailed photos):
Note: probably H2D, possibly M2D, Z2D, M2U
- x2x, 3:00, SGG, 0 at the University of Pennsylvania Museum (Gibeon field # 502; stamp # 200; museum ID# 60-13-124; click for detailed photos):
- x2x, 3:00, SGG, 0 at the Museum of Archaeology & Biblical History (ID# 01.193.1A; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably an H2D; possibly a Z2D
- x2x, 3:00, SGG, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#33; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably an H2D; possibly a Z2D
- x2x, 3:00, SGG, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#39; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably an H2D; possibly a Z2D
- x2x, 3:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh Cistern 370, I, X125; click for detailed photos):
Note: Possibly an H2D, M2D, or Z2D
- x2x, 3:00, SGG, 2 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh 215x, I, X35; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably an H2D; possibly a Z2D
- x2x, 3:00, SGG, 2 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh X120; click for detailed photos):
- x2x, 3:00, Sxx, 0 from an enhanced lo-res photo by Shlomi Amami in BAR vol. 34 #3 by Yitzhak Magen (found at Nebi Samwil):
Note: Possibly an H2D or G2T
- x2x, 3:00, Sxx, 2 reproduced by permission of the Palestine Exploration Fund in London, England (from Ophel; #196):
- x2x, 3:00, xxx, 0 from "Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem vol. 1" published by The Israel Exploration Society (Jerusalem Reg. No. 1385):
- x2x, 3:00, xxx, 0 from "Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem vol. 1" published by The Israel Exploration Society (Jerusalem Reg. No. 6687-1):
- x2x, 3:00, xxx, 2 from "Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem vol. 1" published by The Israel Exploration Society (Jerusalem Reg. No. 2038):
- x2x, 3:00, xxx, x from BASOR 142 by Frank M. Cross, Jr. & J.T. Milik (from Khirbet es-Samrah):
Note: Probably an H2D; the authors proposed an M2x based on some lines they thought were Mem strokes, but the icon Head matches neither the M2D nor M2U, & the lines are similar to other illusory marks elsewhere on the handle.
- x2x, 4:00, AGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#34; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably an Z2T; possibly an M2D, S2DW, or Z2D
- x2x, 4:00, AGC, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh Room 433, I, X20; click for detailed photos):
- x2x, 4:00, SGC, 2 at the University of Pennsylvania Museum (Gibeon field # 269; stamp # 61; museum ID# 60-13-52; click for detailed photos):
- x2x, 4:00, SGG, 0 from a private collection in Redondo Beach (ID#33; click for detailed photos):
Note: The short head & rigid wing remnants match the G2T, M2T, & S2DR, but it could also be an M2U or M2D.
- x2x, 4:00, SGG, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#9; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably an H2D; possibly a Z2D
- x2x, 4:00, SGG, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#189; click for detailed photos):
Note: Possibly H2T, M2D, M2U, S2DR, S2DW, or Z2U
- x2x, 4:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh Cistern 183, X114; click for detailed photos):
- x2x, 4:00, SGG, 2 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh AB17x, I, X26; click for detailed photos):
- x2x, 4:00, SGG, 2 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh Room 546, II, X17; click for detailed photos):
- x2x, 4:00, SGx, 0 reproduced by permission of the Palestine Exploration Fund in London, England (Jerusalem #139):
- x2x, 4:00, xxx, 0 from Jerusalem, Kenyon's City of David Reg. #6800 at the IAA (#1968-1201):
- x2x, 4:00, xxx, 0 from "Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem vol. 1" published by The Israel Exploration Society (Jerusalem Reg. No. 4410-1):
- x2x, 4:00, xxx, 0 from "Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem vol. 1" published by The Israel Exploration Society (Jerusalem Reg. No. 6705-1):
- x2x, 4:00, xxx, 2 from "Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem vol. 1" published by The Israel Exploration Society (Jerusalem Reg. No. 6079-1):
- x2x, 5:00, SGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#163; click for detailed photos):
Note: possibly H2U, S2DW, Z2D, Z2U, or a 22nd seal; the relative positions of the wing and letters most closely resemble the Z2D, but the center stroke of the Kaf design is different than the one in the Z2D; also what appears to be the icon's Head is much closer to the Kaf than on any known x2x seal, but it might be a stray piece of clay & not really the icon's Head.
- x2x, 5:00, SGx, 0 reproduced by permission of the Palestine Exploration Fund in London, England (#137):
Note: Probably an M2U; possibly an H2D
- x2x, 5:00, SGx, x from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh M1838; click for detailed photos):
- x2x, 5:00, xxx, 0 from Ramat Rahel, Reg. #9084 at the IAA (#1964-2288):
- x2x, 6:00, AGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#31; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably a Z2D; possibly a G2T
- x2x, 6:00, AGG, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#32; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably a Z2D; possibly an H2D
- x2x, 7:00, SGG, 2 from Shlomit Wexler's Western-Wall Plaza excavations in Jerusalem televised by MB@ (Mabat) in March, 2008:
Note: Probably an H2D; possibly an M2U, S2DR, or Z2D
- x2x, 7:00, xxx, 0 from "Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem vol. 1" published by The Israel Exploration Society (Jerusalem Reg. No. 8927):
Note: Either a G2T or an M2T
- x2x, 8:00, Sxx, 2 formerly owned by Robert Deutsch--present location unknown (LMLK Dotcom ID# 085; click for detailed photos):
- x2x, 9:00, AGC, 0 at the University of Pennsylvania Museum (Gibeon field # 267; stamp # 59; museum ID# 60-13-109; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably an H2D; possibly a Z2D; several random-but-distinct pre-fire marks
- x2x, 9:00, AGC, 0 at the University of Pennsylvania Museum (Gibeon field # 413; stamp # 150; museum ID# 60-13-115; click for detailed photos):
Note: Possibly a G2T, M2T, or unique S2x seal; compare to Nasbeh stamp AB16x, I, X67
- x2x, 9:00, AGC, 0 from a private collection in Redondo Beach (ID#54; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably an H2D; possibly an M2D
- x2x, 9:00, AGC, 0 from AASOR vol. 34-35 published by The American Schools of Oriental Research (Gibeah ID# 5-08, L-162, 16B-2; examined firsthand for this website):
- x2x, 9:00, AGC, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh R24, I, X3; click for detailed photos):
- x2x, 9:00, AGC, 2 at the McCormick Theological Seminary (Beth Zur Excavation #909, MTS #53; click for detailed photos):
Notes: Probably an H2D; possibly a Z2T. This impression also appears in:
- BASOR 43 by O.R. Sellers & W.F. Albright
- "The Citadel of Beth-Zur" by Ovid Rogers Sellers
- x2x, 9:00, AGG, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#185; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably an H2D, possibly a G2T, M2D, M2U, S2DW, or Z2D
- x2x, 9:00, AGG, 2 from AASOR vol. 34-35 published by The American Schools of Oriental Research (Gibeah ID# 5-14, L-168, 16B-8):
- x2x, 9:00, SGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#38; click for detailed photos):
Note: Either an H2D or Z2D; seal was twisted slightly making wings appear slightly downward; letter remnant in the bottom-left register may be the "R" from the left H2D stamp or "P" from the right Z2D stamp
- x2x, 9:00, SGC, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh M1501; click for detailed photos):
Note: Possibly an H2D, H2T, M2D, M2U, or Z2D
- x2x, 9:00, SGG, 0 at the University of Pennsylvania Museum (Gibeon field # 124; stamp # 40; museum ID# 60-13-106; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably an H2D; possibly an M2D or M2U; two diagonal incised lines do not appear to be deliberate like Drag marks
- x2x, 9:00, SGG, 0 at the University of Pennsylvania Museum (Gibeon field # 369; stamp # 118; museum ID# 60-13-114; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably an H2D; possibly an M2U
- x2x, 9:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh P21, I, X5; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably an H2D; possibly an S2DR
- x2x, 9:00, SGG, 2 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh Cistern 191, X34; click for detailed photos):
- x2x, 9:00, SGx, 0 at the University of Pennsylvania Museum (Gibeon field # 508; stamp # 202; museum ID# 60-13-125; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably a Z2D but wet-smoothing lines may be distorting another inscription
- x2x, 9:00, SGx, 0 formerly owned by David Hendin--present location unknown (Catalog 83 lot 415; LMLK Dotcom ID# 049; click for detailed photos):
- x2x, 9:00, SGx, 2 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh M2848; click for detailed photos):
- x2x, 9:00, xxx, 0 from the University of Pennsylvania Museum Photo Archives (Gibeon field # 368; stamp # 117; click for details):
- x2x, 9:00, xxx, 0 from an undocumented excavation, kept at the IAA (#2000-1739):
- x2x, 9:00, xxx, 0 from "Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem vol. 1" published by The Israel Exploration Society (Jerusalem Reg. No. 5775-1):
- x2x, 9:00, xxx, 0 from "Qedem: Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology 42" by Amihai Mazar & Nava Panitz-Cohen, distributed by The Israel Exploration Society (Timnah #9261):
Note: Probably a Z2D; possibly an H2D, M2U, or S2DW
- x2x, 9:00, xxx, 2 at the Horn Archaeological Museum (ID# 72-0069; NEASB 46, 2001, p. 18, Fig. 4):
- x2x, 9:00, xxx, 2 from the private collection in Korea (ID# 322):
- x2x, 9:00, xxx, 2 from "Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem vol. 1" published by The Israel Exploration Society (Jerusalem Reg. No. 4103-1):
- x2x, 9:00, xxx, 2 from "Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem vol. 1" published by The Israel Exploration Society (Jerusalem Reg. No. 6576-1):
- x2x, 9:00, xxx, 2 from "Excavations at Jericho vol. 4" by K.M. Kenyon, T.A. Holland, & J.R. Bartlett (Reg. YBT/42; copyright by CBRL--Council for British Research in the Levant (formerly the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem)):
- x2x, 9:00, xxx, x from Jerusalem, Kenyon's City of David at the IAA (#1968-1194):
- x2x, 10:00, AGC, 0 at the University of Pennsylvania Museum (Gibeon field # 3121; inscription # 300; museum ID# 62-30-1509; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably a Z2D; possibly an M2U
- x2x, 10:00, AGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#16; click for detailed photos):
Note: Possibly an M2U, M2D, H2D, or Z2D
- x2x, 10:00, AGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#130; click for detailed photos):
Note: probably H2D, possibly M2D or M2U
- x2x, 10:00, AGC, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh AA14, I, X34; click for detailed photos):
- x2x, 10:00, AGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh Room 390, I, X41; click for detailed photos):
- x2x, 10:00, AGG, 0 at the McCormick Theological Seminary (Beth Zur Excavation #690, MTS #54; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably an H2D; possibly an M2D
- x2x, 10:00, AGG, 0 at the University of Pennsylvania Museum (Gibeon field # 458; stamp # 171; museum ID# 60-13-118; click for detailed photos):
- x2x, 10:00, AGG, 2 at the University of Pennsylvania Museum (Gibeon field # 398; stamp # 135; museum ID# 60-13-53; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably an H2D; possibly a Z2D
- x2x, 10:00, SGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#11; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably an H2D; possibly a Z2D
- x2x, 10:00, SGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#12; click for detailed photos):
Note: Either an H2D or Z2D
- x2x, 10:00, SGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#37; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably a Z2D or an M2D; possibly an H2D or an M2U
- x2x, 10:00, SGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#43; click for detailed photos):
Note: Possibly an H2D, H2T, or M2U
- x2x, 10:00, SGG, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#42; click for detailed photos):
- x2x, 10:00, SGG, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#184; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably an H2D, possibly an M2D
- x2x, 10:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh Dump, AA23, X4; click for detailed photos):
- x2x, 10:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh M1447; click for detailed photos):
- x2x, 10:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh Locus M14x, I, X37; click for detailed photos):
- x2x, 10:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh M2915, Q12, X5; click for detailed photos):
- x2x, 10:00, xxx, 0 from "Eretz-Israel vol. 23" published by The Israel Exploration Society (#5):
Note: Probably an H2U or Z2U; possibly an S2U, S2DW, or Z2D
- x2x, 10:00, xxx, x from "Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem vol. 1" published by The Israel Exploration Society (Jerusalem Reg. No. 491-1):
- x2x, 10:00, xxx, x from ZDPV vol. 91 #1 (Chephirah; courtesy of Karel J. H. Vriezen):
- x2x, 10:00, xxx, x from "Khirbet Nisya: The Search for Biblical Ai, 1979-2002" by David Livingston (1985 Reg. #21, Locus 41.1.7; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably an H2D; possibly an M2D
- x2x, 10:00, xxx, x from AASOR vol. 45 published by The American Schools of Oriental Research (Gibeah #57):
- x2x, 11:00, SGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#81; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably an H2D; possibly an M2D
- x2x, 11:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh M2710; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably a Z2D; possibly an M2U
- x2x, 11:00, SGx, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#35; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably a Z2D; possibly a H2D
- x2x, 11:00, xxx, 0 from "Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem vol. 1" published by The Israel Exploration Society (Jerusalem Reg. No. 3784-1):
- x2x, 12:00, AGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#36; click for detailed photos):
Note: Possibly an M2U, M2D, H2D, or Z2D
- x2x, x:00, AGG, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#29; click for detailed photos):
Note: Probably a G2T 4:00 but many other possibilities; concentric discs are similar to M2D handles from Nasbeh (M2339) & Shiloh's City of David (#26)
- x2x, x:00, AGG, 0 at the University of Pennsylvania Museum (Gibeon field # 484; stamp # 187; museum ID# 60-13-121; click for detailed photos):
Note: Two deep impressions were made; one was at a 4:00 orientation but the other one was probably 2:00 or possibly 8:00
- x2x, x:00, AGG, 2 at the University of Pennsylvania Museum (Gibeon field # 120; stamp # 36; museum ID# 60-13-61; click for detailed photos):
- x2x, x:00, SGC, 2 at the University of Pennsylvania Museum (Gibeon field # 357; stamp # 105; museum ID# 60-13-43; click for detailed photos):
Note: Combination of 2 photos with alternate lighting effects
- x2x, x:00, SGx, x from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh AB19, I, X17; click for detailed photos):
- x2x, x:00, Sxx, x from an enhanced lo-res photo by Shlomi Amami in BAR vol. 34 #3 by Yitzhak Magen (found at Nebi Samwil):
- x2x, x:00, xxx, 2 from "Qedem: Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology 29" by Eilat Mazar & Benjamin Mazar, distributed by The Israel Exploration Society (#158):
Note: Probably an H2D; possibly a Z2D
- x2x, x:00, xxx, 2 from "Qedem: Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology 29" by Eilat Mazar & Benjamin Mazar, distributed by The Israel Exploration Society (#159):
- x2x, x:00, xxx, 2 from "Qedem: Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology 41" by Donald T. Ariel & Yair Shoham, distributed by The Israel Exploration Society (Shiloh's City of David; Jerusalem M23-CC6, J-8015):
- x2x, x:00, xxx, 2 from "Qedem: Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology 41" by Donald T. Ariel & Yair Shoham, distributed by The Israel Exploration Society (Shiloh's City of David; Jerusalem M31-CC7, D2-20069):
Note: Probably a Z2D; possibly an H2D or M2U
- x2x, x:00, xxx, x from "Qedem: Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology 29" by Eilat Mazar & Benjamin Mazar, distributed by The Israel Exploration Society (from Ophel south of the Temple Mount; Jerusalem #151):
- x2x, x:00, xxx, x from "Qedem: Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology 29" by Eilat Mazar & Benjamin Mazar, distributed by The Israel Exploration Society (from Ophel south of the Temple Mount; Jerusalem #160):
- x2x, x:00, xxx, x from "Qedem: Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology 29" by Eilat Mazar & Benjamin Mazar, distributed by The Israel Exploration Society (from Ophel south of the Temple Mount; Jerusalem #161):
- x2x, x:00, xxx, x from "Qedem: Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology 29" by Eilat Mazar & Benjamin Mazar, distributed by The Israel Exploration Society (from Ophel south of the Temple Mount; Jerusalem #162):
- x2x, x:00, xxx, x from "Qedem: Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology 41" by Donald T. Ariel & Yair Shoham, distributed by The Israel Exploration Society (Shiloh's City of David; Jerusalem M43, D2-20463):
- x2x, x:00, xxx, x from "Excavations at Ramat Rahel: Seasons 1959 & 1960" by Yohanan Aharoni (Ramat Rahel #1321-4; 29-9):
Note: This impression also appears in "Eretz-Israel vol. 15" by Andre Lemaire
Click here for info on the controversial Type G2B (Lemaire's type "O II")
- x2x, x:00, xxx, x from "Excavations at Ramat Rahel: Seasons 1959 & 1960" by Yohanan Aharoni (Ramat Rahel #1683-3; 29-8):
Note: Probably an M2D, but top half matches the H2D & bottom half matches the S2DW
"They shall come trembling like a bird from Egypt, like a dove from the land of Assyria."--Hosea 11:11