Biblical Accounts
NonBiblical Accounts
x (cannot classify)
Personal Seals

Note: Large dot indicates approximate location of Tell en-Nasbeh (possibly Biblical Mizpah).
General statistics:
- 19 HBRN
- 09 MMST
- 05 SUKE
- 11 ZYF
- 09 Generic
- 35 cannot classify by inscription
- 72 2-winged
- 16 4-winged
Note--These statistics are from IEJ vol. 34, photographs shown on this website, & an unpublished S2U handle.
Specific statistics: |
Generic |
2-Winged (Rigid & Top-Register) |
9 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
2-Winged Divided |
6 |
3 |
2 |
7 |
2-Winged Undivided |
3 |
4 |
1 |
1 |
4-Winged Lapidarist |
4 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
4-Winged Cursory (many; all Type 484s) |
5 |
1 |
4-Winged Cursory (few; mostly pithoi) |
0 |
1 |

- G2T, 4:00, AGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (AE20x, I, X47; click for detailed photos):

- G2T, 4:00, AGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M396, S357, "W"; click for detailed photos):

- G2T, 8:00, SGC, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (AB16x, I, X87; click for detailed photos):

- G2T, 8:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (AC16x, I, X45; click for detailed photos):

- G2T, 10:00, AGC, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Room 393, I, X5; click for detailed photos):

- G2T, 10:00, AGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M396, S357, "E"; click for detailed photos):

- G2T, 10:00, AGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M396, S357, "N"; click for detailed photos):

- G2T, 10:00, AGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M396, S357, "S"; click for detailed photos):

- G2T, 11:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M1602; click for detailed photos):

- H2D, 3:00, AGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Dump, AA-AB26, X1; click for detailed photos):

- H2D, 3:00, AGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M1702, P24; click for detailed photos):

- H2D, 3:00, SGC, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Cistern 176, X21, M1019; click for detailed photos):

Note: This impression also appears in "Tell en-Nasbeh volume 1" by Chester McCown

- H2D, 3:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Room 240, I, X1; click for detailed photos):

- H2D, 4:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (S11, X3; click for detailed photos):

Note: This impression also appears in "Tell en-Nasbeh volume 1" by Chester McCown

- H2D, 9:00, xxx, 2 from "Tell en-Nasbeh volume 1" by Chester McCown (Cistern 370, M2545; IAA #1935-3105):

- H2T, 9:00, xxx, 0 from "Eretz-Israel vol. 15" published by The Israel Exploration Society (#2453; IAA #1935-3090):

- H2U, 3:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M730; click for detailed photos):

- H2U, 9:00, AGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M2718; click for detailed photos):

- H2U, 9:00, xxx, 0 ID #M1703 at the IAA (#1932-2532):

- H4C, 6:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (AB25, X1; click for detailed photos):

- H4C, 7:00, AGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M2721; click for detailed photos):

- H4C, 12:00, AGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M2452; click for detailed photos):

Note: This impression also appears in "Tell en-Nasbeh volume 1" by Chester McCown

- H4C, 12:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (AC15x, I, X44; click for detailed photos):

- H4C, x:00, xxx, x from "Tell en-Nasbeh vol. 1" by Chester McCown (M829):

- H4L, 6:00, SGC, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (#2865; click for detailed photos):

Note: This impression also appears in "Tell en-Nasbeh volume 1" by Chester McCown

- H4L, 12:00, SGC, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (#405; click for detailed photos):

- H4L, 12:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (#2827; click for detailed photos):

Note: This impression also appears in "Tell en-Nasbeh volume 1" by Chester McCown

- H4L, x:00, xxx, x from "Tell en-Nasbeh volume 1" by Chester McCown (#998):

- M2D, 3:00, AGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M2339; click for detailed photos):

Note: This impression also appears in "Tell en-Nasbeh volume 1" by Chester McCown

- M2D, 3:00, SGG, 2 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M2844, Room 141; click for detailed photos):

- M2D, 4:00, SGC, 1 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M1697; click for detailed photos):

Note: This impression also appears in "Tell en-Nasbeh volume 1" by Chester McCown

- M2T, 3:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (AB15, I, X15; click for detailed photos):

- M2T, 4:00, SGC, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Dump AB14-15, I, X11; click for detailed photos):

- M2U, 3:00, xxx, 0 ID #M1543 at the IAA (#1935-3096):

- M2U, 9:00, xxx, 0 ID #M2234 at the IAA (#1935-3220):

- M2U, x:00, xxx, x from "Tell en-Nasbeh volume 1" by Chester McCown (#2488):

- M2U, x:00, xxx, x from "Tell en-Nasbeh volume 1" by Chester McCown (#2834):

- S2DR, 4:00, SGC, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M696, Dump 233; click for detailed photos):

Note: This impression also appears in "Tell en-Nasbeh volume 1" by Chester McCown

- S2DW, 4:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (X12, I, X64; click for detailed photos):

- S2DW, 9:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M1679, Room 268, X7; click for detailed photos):

- S2U, 10:00, AGC, 0 at the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary found on the surface by J.D. Zimmerman in the 1950s (handle ID# 5; museum ID# 08-26; no photos allowed)

- S4L, x:00, xxx, x (ID: M1796) (no photos available)

Type x2xR (rigid wing design)
- x2xR, 9:00, AGx, x from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (R24, I, X27; click for detailed photos):

Note: Probably an S2DR based on the wing & 2 visible letters in the top register

- x2xR, 10:00, SGx, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (R22, I, X3; click for detailed photos):

Note: Probably an M2T based on the wing design & possibly a portion of the tau remaining

- x2x, x:00, xxx, x (ID: M676) (no photos available)
- x2x, x:00, xxx, 2 (ID: M785) (no photos available)
- x2x, x:00, xxx, 2 (ID: M1435, Dump, V12-W12, I, 12-Mar-1932) (no photos available)
- x2x, x:00, xxx, 2 (ID: M1531) (no photos available)
- x2x, x:00, xxx, 2 (ID: M1692) (no photos available)
- x2x, 3:00, AGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Room 224, X5; click for detailed photos):

- x2x, 3:00, AGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Room 514, I, X42; click for detailed photos):

Note: Probably an H2D

- x2x, 3:00, AGG, 2 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (AB16x, I, X67; click for detailed photos):

Note: This impression from may indicate a unique S2x seal type since it appears to have the first letter of SUKE both above & below the wing on the right side. Also compare to Gibeon stamp field # 413; stamp # 150; museum ID# 60-13-115. A similar one excavated from Lachish was described (but not photographed) by David Diringer in PEQ 7-1941 published by The Palestine Exploration Fund, "... a very interesting stamp (K.14/J.14, Pal.A.G.) which also belongs to the third sub-division. Owing to the shape of the handle, the stamp has been badly impressed, particularly in the lower part, in such a way that there is lack of space for the place-name. It seems that the maker desired to solve this problem by an artifice, & tried to impress the place-name over the figure; if this suggestion is right, the traces which we see in the figure would be the remains of a shin & of the head of a waw ..."

- x2x, 3:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Cistern 370, I, X125; click for detailed photos):

Note: Possibly an H2D, M2D, or Z2D

- x2x, 3:00, SGG, 2 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (215x, I, X35; click for detailed photos):

Note: Probably an H2D; possibly a Z2D

- x2x, 3:00, SGG, 2 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (X120; click for detailed photos):

- x2x, 4:00, AGC, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Room 433, I, X20; click for detailed photos):

- x2x, 4:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Cistern 183, X114; click for detailed photos):

- x2x, 4:00, SGG, 2 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (AB17x, I, X26; click for detailed photos):

- x2x, 4:00, SGG, 2 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Room 546, II, X17; click for detailed photos):

- x2x, 5:00, SGx, x from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M1838; click for detailed photos):

- x2x, 9:00, AGC, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (R24, I, X3; click for detailed photos):

- x2x, 9:00, SGC, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M1501; click for detailed photos):

Note: Possibly an H2D, H2T, M2D, M2U, or Z2D

- x2x, 9:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (P21, I, X5; click for detailed photos):

Note: Probably an H2D; possibly an S2DR

- x2x, 9:00, SGG, 2 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Cistern 191, X34; click for detailed photos):

- x2x, 9:00, SGx, 2 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M2848; click for detailed photos):

- x2x, 10:00, AGC, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (AA14, I, X34; click for detailed photos):

- x2x, 10:00, AGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Room 390, I, X41; click for detailed photos):

- x2x, 10:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Dump, AA23, X4; click for detailed photos):

- x2x, 10:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M1447; click for detailed photos):

- x2x, 10:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Locus M14x, I, X37; click for detailed photos):

- x2x, 10:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M2915, Q12, X5; click for detailed photos):

- x2x, 11:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M2710; click for detailed photos):

Note: Probably a Z2D; possibly an M2U

- x2x, x:00, SGx, x from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (AB19, I, X17; click for detailed photos):

- x4C, 9:00, PPP, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (AK21; click for detailed photos):

Note: Probably an M4C; possibly a Z4CY

- x4C, 12:00, AGC, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Room 440, I, X31; click for detailed photos):

- x4L, 7:00, SGC, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (AA18x, I, X25; click for detailed photos):

Note: Probably an S4L; possibly an H4L

- x4L, 12:00, AGC, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (AB15, I, X14; click for detailed photos):

Note: Probably an H4L; possibly an S4L

- Z2D, 3:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M2366; click for detailed photos):

- Z2D, 3:00, SGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M681; click for detailed photos):

- Z2D, 3:00, SGG, 2 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M2849; click for detailed photos):

- Z2D, 3:00, SGG, 2 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Z13, X78; click for detailed photos):

- Z2D, 4:00, SGC, 2 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M549; click for detailed photos):

Note: This impression also appears in "Tell en-Nasbeh volume 1" by Chester McCown

- Z2D, 4:00, SGG, 2 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M2869; click for detailed photos):

- Z2D, x:00, xxx, x from "Tell en-Nasbeh volume 1" by Chester McCown (#1441):

- Z2T, 3:00, SGC, 2 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M1842; click for detailed photos):

- Z2U, 4:00, SGC, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (AE20x, I, X42; click for detailed photos):

- Z4CI, 12:00, AGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (M1462; click for detailed photos):

- Z4CY, 11:00, PPP, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Room 467, I, X29; click for detailed photos):

"Then King Asa made a proclamation throughout all Judah ... & they took away the stones & timber of Ramah ... & with them King Asa built ... Mizpah."--1Kings 15:22