Biblical Accounts
NonBiblical Accounts
x (cannot classify)
Personal Seals

Actual size: 37 x 23mm (1.5 x 0.9")
These impressions have been excavated from:
Note: Stamp listings are in the following format:
Seal Type, Seal Orientation, Pottery Type, Incision Type

- S4L, 1:00, ACC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#67; click for detailed photos):

- S4L, 1:00, AGx, 0 (RAEL #267, BM132064 from Lachish; on display at the British Museum):

- S4L, 1:00, Axx, 0 (see the July 25, 2007 post at The Tell es-Safi/Gath Excavations Official (and Unofficial) Weblog for discovery details & hi-res photo):

- S4L, 1:00, SCC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#182; click for detailed photos):

- S4L, 1:00, SGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#63; click for detailed photos):

- S4L, 1:00, xxx, 0 from Gezer at the Istanbul Archaeological Museum (click for detailed photos by Todd Bolen of BiblePlaces Dotcom):

- S4L, 5:00, xxx, 0 from an undocumented excavation, kept at the IAA (#P.3569):

- S4L, 6:00, AGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#66; click for detailed photos):

- S4L, 6:00, AGx, 0 reproduced by permission of the Palestine Exploration Fund in London, England (#136):

Note: This impression also appears in "Syria vol. 6" by Rene Dussaud

- S4L, 6:00, SGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#65; click for detailed photos):

- S4L, 6:00, SGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#132; click for detailed photos):

- S4L, 6:00, SGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#159; click for detailed photos):

- S4L, 6:00, SGC, 0 at the University of Pennsylvania Museum (Gibeon field # 509; stamp # 203; museum ID# 60-13-77; click for detailed photos):

- S4L, 6:00, SGG, 0 at the University of Pennsylvania Museum (Gibeon field # 1128; stamp # 515; museum ID# 62-30-1134; click for detailed photos):

Note: This impression also appears in "Winery, Defenses, & Soundings at Gibeon" by James B. Pritchard

- S4L, 6:00, SGG, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#101; click for detailed photos):

- S4L, 6:00, SGG, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#117; click for detailed photos):

- S4L, 6:00, SGG, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#121; click for detailed photos):

- S4L, 6:00, SGx, 0 formerly owned by Robert Deutsch--present location unknown (Auction 35 lot #78; LMLK Dotcom ID# 078; click for detailed photos):

- S4L, 6:00, Sxx, 0 at The Jewish Museum (New York) (#X1973-11; from Lachish):

- S4L, 6:00, xxx, 0 from IEJ vol. 14 #3 published by The Israel Exploration Society (Arad Reg. No. C115/1):

- S4L, 6:00, xxx, 0 from the Brooklyn Museum of Art, lent by Harvey Herbert (ID#5; click for detailed photos):

- S4L, 6:00, xxx, 0 from "Eretz-Israel vol. 23" published by The Israel Exploration Society (#7):

- S4L, 6:00, xxx, 0 from "Eretz-Israel vol. 23" published by The Israel Exploration Society (#11):

- S4L, 6:00, xxx, 0 from Gezer at the Istanbul Archaeological Museum (click for detailed photos by Todd Bolen of BiblePlaces Dotcom):

- S4L, 6:00, xxx, 0 from "Archaeology of the Land of the Bible" by Amihai Mazar (IDAM P-568):

Note: This impression also appears in:
- "Biblical Archaeology" by Shalom M. Paul & William G. Dever
- "Eretz-Israel vol. 15" by Andre Lemaire
- "Handbook of Ancient Hebrew Inscriptions" by Shmuel Ahituv
- "Inscriptions Reveal" by The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

- S4L, 6:00, xxx, 0 from "Qedem: Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology 42" by Amihai Mazar & Nava Panitz-Cohen, distributed by The Israel Exploration Society (Timnah #7094) Note that this impression was made from another impression--not from a seal--& this photo was mirrored so it would appear legible (click for unaltered handle photo).:

Note: This impression also appears in "Eretz-Israel vol. 18" by A. Mazar

- S4L, 6:00, xxx, x from "The Alphabet Volume 2" by David Diringer (Fig. 14.5; relative #6):

- S4L, 7:00, ACC, 0 from a private collection in Redondo Beach (ID#41; click for detailed photos):

- S4L, 7:00, AGx, 0 at the Bible+Orient Museum (ID# VS 1995.3; click for detailed photos):

Note: This impression also appears in "Im Schatten Deiner Flügel" by Othmar Keel & Thomas Staubli

- S4L, 7:00, Axx, 0 formerly owned by Robert Deutsch--present location unknown (Auction 37 lot #276; LMLK Dotcom ID# 086; click for detailed photos):

- S4L, 7:00, SGG, 0 from a private collection in Redondo Beach (ID#60; click for detailed photos):

- S4L, 11:00, AGx, 0 from a private collection in Redondo Beach (ID#50; click for detailed photos):

Note: This impression also appears in B&S vol. 18 #1 by G.M. Grena

- S4L, 11:00, xxx, 0 from an undocumented excavation, kept at the IAA (#P.641):

- S4L, 12:00, AGG, 0 from a private collection in Redondo Beach (ID#4; click for detailed photos):

Note: This impression also appears in Journal for Semitics vol. 15 #2 by Marjo C.A. Korpel

- S4L, 12:00, AGG, 0 from Beth Shemesh at the University of Pennsylvania Museum (museum ID# 61-14-1194; click for detailed photos)

- S4L, 12:00, AGx, 0 from the private collection of William Ellwanger (ID# "B"; click for detailed photos):

- S4L, 12:00, SCC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#199; click for detailed photos):

- S4L, 12:00, SGC, 0 at the University of Pennsylvania Museum (Gibeon field # 353; stamp # 101; museum ID# 60-13-76; click for detailed photos):

- S4L, 12:00, SGx, 0 from "Jerusalem, Arnona Final Report" by Annette Nagar in Hadashot Arkheologiyot vol. 121 (Fig. 11; excavated c. 7 m east of the Area-A quarry):

- S4L, 12:00, xxx, 0 (see the August 2, 2012 YouTube video, "Omer Sergi discovers and lectures on LMLK seals at Tel Azekah" for additional images):

- S4L, 12:00, xxx, 0 formerly owned by David Hendin--present location unknown (Catalog 87 lot 417; LMLK Dotcom ID# 077; click for detailed photos):

- S4L, 12:00, xxx, 0 from "Eretz-Israel vol. 23" published by The Israel Exploration Society (#4):

- S4L, 12:00, xxx, 0 from "Qedem: Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology 42" by Amihai Mazar & Nava Panitz-Cohen, distributed by The Israel Exploration Society (Timnah #7114):

- S4L, 12:00, xxx, 0 from Jerusalem, Shiloh's City of David Reg. #D2-13563 (M5) at the IAA (#1996-3324):

- S4L, x:00, SGx, x from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#176; click for detailed photos):

- S4L, x:00, xxx, x from "Investigations at Lachish: The Sanctuary & the Residency (Lachish V)" by Yohanan Aharoni (Lachish 444-1; 19-9):

- S4L, x:00, xxx, x from "Investigations at Lachish: The Sanctuary & the Residency (Lachish V)" by Yohanan Aharoni (Lachish 471-1; 19-8):

- S4L, x:00, xxx, x from "Investigations at Lachish: The Sanctuary & the Residency (Lachish V)" by Yohanan Aharoni (Lachish 613-2; 19-12):

- S4L, x:00, xxx, x from "Investigations at Lachish: The Sanctuary & the Residency (Lachish V)" by Yohanan Aharoni (Lachish 817-1; 19-13):

- S4L, x:00, xxx, x from "Qedem: Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology 29" by Eilat Mazar & Benjamin Mazar, distributed by The Israel Exploration Society (from Ophel south of the Temple Mount; Jerusalem #144):

- S4L, x:00, xxx, x from "Qedem: Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology 29" by Eilat Mazar & Benjamin Mazar, distributed by The Israel Exploration Society (from Ophel south of the Temple Mount; Jerusalem #145):

- S4L, x:00, xxx, x from PEQ 7-1941 published by The Palestine Exploration Fund (Lachish #6-14):

Note: This impression also appears in:
- "L'Epigrafia Ebraica Antica 1935-1950" by Sabatino Moscati
- "Lachish III (Tel ed-Duweir): The Iron Age (Plates)" by Olga Tufnell

- S4L, x:00, xxx, x from PEQ 7-1941 published by The Palestine Exploration Fund (Lachish #6-15):

Note: This impression also appears in:
- "L'Epigrafia Ebraica Antica 1935-1950" by Sabatino Moscati
- "Lachish III (Tel ed-Duweir): The Iron Age (Plates)" by Olga Tufnell
- "The Alphabet Volume 2" by David Diringer

- S4L, x:00, xxx, x from PEQ 7-1941 published by The Palestine Exploration Fund (Lachish #6-16):

Note: This impression also appears in:
- "L'Epigrafia Ebraica Antica 1935-1950" by Sabatino Moscati
- "Lachish III (Tel ed-Duweir): The Iron Age (Plates)" by Olga Tufnell

- S4L, x:00, xxx, x from PEQ 7-1941 published by The Palestine Exploration Fund (Lachish #7-1):

Note: This impression also appears in:
- "L'Epigrafia Ebraica Antica 1935-1950" by Sabatino Moscati
- "Lachish III (Tel ed-Duweir): The Iron Age (Plates)" by Olga Tufnell

- S4L, x:00, xxx, x from PEQ 7-1941 published by The Palestine Exploration Fund (Lachish #7-2):

Note: This impression also appears in:
- "L'Epigrafia Ebraica Antica 1935-1950" by Sabatino Moscati
- "Lachish III (Tel ed-Duweir): The Iron Age (Plates)" by Olga Tufnell

- S4L, x:00, xxx, x from "Qedem: Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology 41" by Donald T. Ariel & Yair Shoham, distributed by The Israel Exploration Society (Shiloh's City of David; Jerusalem M7, D2-20311):

- S4L, x:00, xxx, x from "Excavations at Ramat Rahel: Seasons 1959 & 1960" by Yohanan Aharoni (Ramat Rahel #2400-1; 29-4):

"I will abide in Your tabernacle forever; I will trust in the shelter of Your wings."--Psalm 61:4