Biblical Accounts
NonBiblical Accounts
x (cannot classify)
Personal Seals
May-July, 2002
July 30, 2002
- Registered LMLK Dotcom (www.lmlk.com) (presently, it forwards hits to this website, but it will eventually (maybe in 2004) forward hits to a commercial site selling LMLK research tools such as clear film line drawings in actual size & enlargements for various monitor configurations (i.e., 15", 17", 19", 21", 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1152x864), a CD photo library of impressions from the Redondo Beach collection, the forthcoming book, "LMLK--A Mystery Belonging to the King", & links to other sites where LMLK-related publications can be purchased; this website (lmlk.home.att.net) will always remain a non-profit, knowledge base for research).
July 28, 2002
- Added 7.d.6 (icons indicate different contents) to Theories page.
July 18, 2002
- Revised the G2T & Z2U drawings & noted stray marks on their respective pages.
- Added 5 handles to En Gedi on Corpus page that were mentioned in IEJ vol. 14 #3 but mistakenly overlooked by Welten, Garfinkel, & Vaughn in their corpora.
July 17, 2002
- Noted the distinction between Lemaire's "O II" type & the asymmetric 2-winged icon on G2B page.
July 16, 2002
- Noted typical oval size & reason for use of "personal" over "private" or "official" on Personal Seals page; made minor revisions to lists based on BASOR 304.
July 15, 2002
July 13, 2002
- Noted composite drawing of 2 types based on 5 photos on King Hezekiah's Seal page.
- Noted "leather-hard" explanation & possibility of upside-down jar orientation on Jars page.
July 12, 2002
- Completed Vaughn's listing (i.e., seals not published by Sass/Avigad) on Personal Seals page.
July 11, 2002
- Added 7.b.6 & 7.b.7 (2-winged icons indicate vassalship to Assyria or alliance with Babylon) to Theories page.
- Revised transliteration info on Generic page.
July 10, 2002
July 9, 2002
- Added English lettering & Alphabetical Sort to Personal Seals page.
- Added (lmlk mm)ST from M2T to Paleography page.
- Added Corpus Trend chart to Corpus page.
- Added 1989 Garfinkel corpus to Milestones section of Publications page; moved Errata section to a separate page.
July 5, 2002
- Noted mysterious first letter & alternate readings at the top of the M2T page.
- Created Lachish Room 4014 page; added link & noted Timnah skeleton on Jars page.
- Added RB vol. 9 to Bibliography section of Publications page.
July 4, 2002
- Incorporated impressions from "'Atiqot vol. 9-10", "Excavations & Surveys in Israel 1988/89 vol. 7-8", "Winery, Defenses, & Soundings at Gibeon" on multiple pages; revised Ashdod & Jezreel sub-quantites on Corpus page.
- Removed Tell Beit Mirsim jar pages (104 & 2465) since they were not stamped.
- Added Ashdod handle to Stratigraphy page; added 2 debris handles to Gibeon Pool page.
- Added "'Atiqot vol. 9-10", BAR vol. 28 #4, "Excavations & Surveys in Israel 1988/89 vol. 7-8", "Nimrud & Its Remains", "Winery, Defenses, & Soundings at Gibeon" to Bibliography section of Publications page.
- Added lion to LMLK Weights page.
July 3, 2002
- Combined photos of #152 & #155 from Qedem 29 on Z2D page & listed it in Errata section of Publications page.
- Added 5 impressions from "The Citadel of Beth-Zur" & 1 from "Excavations at Jericho vol. 4" to multiple impression pages & updated Jericho sub-quantites on Corpus page.
- Revised the content of LMRA page based on IEJ vol. 45 #1.
- Added BASOR 43, "The Citadel of Beth-Zur", "Excavations at Jericho vol. 4", IEJ vol. 45 #1 to Bibliography section of Publications page.
July 2, 2002
- Added word divider dots to King Hezekiah's Seal.
- Incorporated 7 Gibeah impressions on multiple pages.
- Revised S4L drawing to show S-W ligature & M2T drawing to clarify S-T size.
- Added AASOR v4, AASOR v34-5, AASOR v45, PEQ 7-1900 to Bibliography section of Publications page; added 1874 Clermont-Ganneau & 1900 Bliss to the Milestones section.
July 1, 2002
- Added sub-quantities for Macalister/Duncan's Jerusalem excavation to Corpus page.
- Added "Digging Up Biblical History vol. 2", PEQ 7-1893, PEQ 4-1899, PEQ 7-1899, PEQ 1-1900, "Scripta Hierosolymitana vol. 8" to Bibliography section of Publications page; added 1893 Sayce, 1899 Hilprecht, 1899 Bliss to the Milestones section.
June 29, 2002
- Noted lid/stopper types with 5.b (Jars--Type 484 Contents) on Theories page.
- Created Timnah 7280 page & replaced its black/white photo on M2U page.
- Revised paragraphs in Usage Speculation section of Jars page.
- Added BAR vol. 15 #1, "Eretz-Israel vol. 9 (by Mazar)", TA vol. 17 #1 to Bibliography section of Publications page.
June 28, 2002
- Received significant permission from David Ussishkin to display photos on multiple pages (most importantly: H4C, H4L, & the restored Lachish Jars).
- Added BA vol. 35 #4 & BAR vol. 5 #6 to Bibliography section of Publications page.
June 27, 2002
- Emphasized the bottom-to-top reading on King Hezekiah's Seal page.
- Added 5.d (Jars--Purpose) to Theories page.
- Added photo from encyclopedias & dictionary to Jar 10074 page.
- Added technical details (including a distribution chart of all handles) on Gibeon Pool page along with a modern photo of it.
- Added "Law & Ideology in Monarchic Israel" to Bibliography section of Publications page.
June 26, 2002
- On Theories page, changed note under 7.b. (Seal Inscriptions) to describe register order instead of excavation context (since that info is now available on the Stratigraphy page) & changed 8.d (Personal Seals belong to Levites instead of associating them with King Hezekiah, which is described on the Personal Seals page).
- Revised first paragraph on Personal Seals page to note their association with 2-winged seals.
- Added Magill Library to Displays page.
- Added Qedem 42 p.95 to Errata section & HTR v64 #2-3 (Kuschke) to Bibliography section of Publications page.
June 23, 2002
June 21, 2002
June 18, 2002
- Added "Land of the Bible (Revised & Enlarged Edition)" to Bibliography section of Publications page.
June 15, 2002
June 14, 2002
- Added "L'epigrafia Ebraica Antica" to Bibliography section of Publications page; also added Tufnell 1948 to Milestones section.
June 13, 2002
- Added "Biblisches Reallexikon" (1937 & 1977) & "Il Colle di Rachele" to Bibliography section of Publications page; also added "Biblisches Reallexikon" (1977) to Errata section.
June 11, 2002
- Created LMLK Ostracon page & added its link on Home page.
- Added H2D from IEJ vol. 20 #3-4, x4L from IEJ vol. 39, H2U & H4L from "Israel in Antiquity" to respective impression pages & updated Corpus page along with Bethel sub-quantities.
- Added "Half LMLK" jar to BT LMLK page.
- Added 1964 Study section to Chemical Analyses page.
- Added Archaeometry vol. 7, IEJ vol. 20 #3-4 (Avigad), IEJ vol. 39, "Israel in Antiquity", JNES vol. 10 #4, TA vol. 2 #4 to Bibliography section of Publications page.
June 10, 2002
- Added popup window links over letters on Paleography page along with minor revisions to certain letters.
- Noted stamped handle ratios in Complete Jars section of Jars page.
June 8, 2002
June 7, 2002
- Added Num. 3:27 & 26:58 to HBRN page.
- Added "Ancient Near East" (vol. 1 & 2), "Archaeology of the Land of the Bible (vol. 1 & 2)", BA vol. 38, BASOR 248, "Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem Near the Temple Mount", IEJ vol. 18 #4, "Scripture & Other Artifacts" to Bibliography section of Publications page.
- Added sub-quantities for Ashdod, Beth Huron, Hurvat Shilhah to Corpus page.
June 6, 2002
- Added (sd) in Bible quotes to distinguish between plene/defectiva on HBRN, SUKE, ZYF pages.
- Added "Excavations in Palestine During the Years 1898-1900" to Bibliography section of Publications page.
June 4, 2002
- Removed sound from Home page & made minor layout changes to all other pages.
May 31, 2002
- Created Incised LMLK Jar page & added a link to it on the Jars page.
- Added PEQ vol. 80, "Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions vol. 1 & 2", "Windows to the Past" to Bibliography section of Publications page.
May 30, 2002
- Created LMLK Weights page & added H2U 3:00 from "Forty New Ancient West Semitic Inscriptions".
- Added weird tri-stamped handle (JM 12-73.277) found at Lachish to x4L page.
- Confirmed identity of #1068 as an H4C & revised appropriate pages.
- Added locus info on Lachish Jar 10457, Jar 10091, Jar 10074, Jar 8162, Jar 8580, Jar 8585 pages & added each of them to Stratigraphy page along with all 4 Tell Beit Mirsim handles.
- Created pages for Jar 10616 & Jar 31266, added links to them on the Jars page, listed them on the Stratigraphy page.
- Added Plus Mark handle found at Lachish to Incisions & H4L pages.
- Added "Excavation of Gezer vol. 2", "Forty New Ancient West Semitic Inscriptions", TA v4 #1-2, TA v10 #2 to Bibliography section of Publications page.
May 29, 2002
- Revised H2T (including photo of Gibeon #145), H4C, Z4CI line drawings & resized many of their impression photos.
- Added important Gibeon pool note to Stratigraphy page based on correlation of x2D & x2U depths with stratified data from other sites.
- Added "Kedem: Studies in Jewish Archaeology" & "Survey of Western Palestine: Jerusalem" to Bibliography section of Publications page.
- Added British Museum details to Displays page & added Jonathan Tubb to Credits page.
May 28, 2002
- Added photo of circles overlapping an icon to the Circles section of the Incisions page.
- Moved M4C into same class as Z4CY on Seal Sets page.
- Added Beersheba data & Tell 'Ira comment to Stratigraphy page.
May 27, 2002
- Revised the Circles section of the Incisions page by adding Mizpah photos & replacing impression listings with a comment relating the known data to stratigraphic evidence.
- Added Lachish (Aharoni) data to Stratigraphy page along with comments about Mizpah data.
- Added general comment about misuse of Welten's system by IEJ vol. 34 #2-3, specific error of "Large handle" by IEJ vol. 34 #2-3, classification error (570/2) in "Investigations at Lachish" in Errata section of Publications page.
May 26, 2002
- Added note from David Diringer under impression "x2x, 3:00, AGG, 2 (AB16x, I, X67)" on 2-x page.
- Added detail page links to impression pages for 71 new Mizpah handles.
May 25, 2002
May 24, 2002
- Added 71 new Mizpah impression photos to multiple impression pages & revised Mizpah sub-quantities on Corpus page.
- Renamed all x2N types to x2T; renamed G2L to G2T due to discovery of circles on Mizpah Z2T.
- Created Rigid & Wavy sub-classifications on 2-x page.
- Updated line drawings for x2T & Z4CY seals based on new Mizpah photos, & replaced the seal formerly used for identifying the G2B type with one known from 2 sites (City of David & Mizpah) with asymmetric wings; also added a paragraph of comments to the G2B page & made appropriate revisions to Typologies page.
- Moved G2B into a separate row/column on Seal Sets page.
May 13, 2002
- Added BA 12 #4 to Errata section of Publications page & removed the page dedicated to this jar (unid-ba12-3) from the website since Type 482 jars are out-of-scope.
May 11, 2002
- Added 7.e.19 (LMLK = Ammonite deity) to Theories page.
- Created Jar 7094 page & added links to it on Home & Jars pages.
- Added Qedem 42 photos to impression pages, updated photo totals on Typologies page, updated totals & Timnah sub-quantities on Corpus page.
- Added Timnah content to Stratigraphy page.
- Added several Qedem 42 listings to Errata section of Publications page (updated Errata for IEJ vol. 34 #2-3 based on this new info) & added Qedem 42 to the Bibliography section.
May 8, 2002
- Revised all 12 impression pages to only show drawings & link to 25 separate seal pages; added same links to Typologies page.
May 7, 2002
- Added 7.e.18 (wartime designations/purposes) to Theories page.
- Created Jar 7202-2 & linked to it on Jars page.
May 6, 2002
- Added Diringer/Lapp/Aharoni's I Zb to Typologies page; Aharoni made this addition in "Beer-Sheba I".
May 4, 2002
- Added Diringer/Lapp/Aharoni's III Me, III Zb, III Zc to Typologies page along with necessary modifications; Aharoni made these additions in "Excavations...'61 & '62" & "Investigations at (Lachish V)".
- Added "Investigations at Lachish (V)" to Bibliography section & Errata section of Publications page & incorporated its 15 new impression photos.
May 3, 2002
- Added IEJ vol. 6 #3 & "Excavations at Ramat Rahel '59 & '60" to Bibliography section of Publications page & incorporated their 17 new impression photos.
- Added (l)M(lk) of G2T to Paleography page.
May 2, 2002
- Added Lapp/Aharoni sub-classes to Diringer's system on Typologies page & created Diringer/Lapp/Aharoni sort.
- Added Qadmoniot vol. 9 #2-3 & vol. 15 #2-3 to Bibliography section, added "Excavations at Ramat Rahel '59 & '60" to Errata section of Publications page.
May 1, 2002
- Moved all content from password-protected temp directory to public URL.